Lisa Malia Norman

Be So Aligned With Your Calling That You Can't Help But Become It.

Updated: Feb 18, 2022

I just became a best selling author. It’s the wildest feeling! I’m excited and deeply honored by all the support. You all have been incredible, truly! Every message and every review coming in has seriously filled my heart up.

I was having a lot of nervous energy surrounding this release. The best phrase I can think of to describe that it would be a vulnerability hangover. But that’s not quite it either.

At first I was noticing myself wondering “what if they don’t get what I’m trying to say” or “what if they misinterpreted something I wrote” or worse what if someone feels hurt by my words.

A book is a funny thing to put into the world. At some point you release it and let the words stand as a testament to your truth in that moment and trust that you did your best to express it.

Trust that it was meant to be delivered in this way, at this time.

Trust that it will be received the way it needs to be received at this time by those that need to receive it.

The messages of love and gratitude for sharing my story and my work have filled me with so much joy. Readers are telling me how they connected to my words how they felt seen and even healed their hearts a bit.

I never imagined the many ways in which people are connecting to my words and sharing how it gave them a new insight into their own experience or that of a loved one.

There’s a reason I keep answering the call to share my story and my work. My truth. I’ll probably never even know the full extent of it.

What I do know is I’ll keep answering the call of my soul to do this work so long as it keeps asking.

Becoming so aligned with my calling that I couldn't help but become it is the only way this could have happened. The things that support me in that alignment are a luxurious morning practice that I'm fully devoted to and an incredible community of soul sister.

I want to invite you to join me. Transform your morning practice and transform your life. 28 days of custom HypnoBreathwork® sessions, morning rituals and weekly live coaching to embody the life you are born to live.

Bring this new non-negotiable practice to your morning. For 28 Days we will work together to develop a morning practice that sets you up to meet your day with confidence and clarity so that you can bring your attention into direct alignment with your purpose and intention. Step into your highest self, bring projects to life and embody your leadership.

The Conscious Way Forward a book I wrote with ten other women, is available now. If you love it please leave a written review, screenshot and send it to me so I can treat you to a coffee or tea 🫖 as my way of saying thank you. All proceeds will be given to Annie Cannons Org to support victims of sex trafficking.

Join me in THE EMBODIED LEADERSHIP IMMERSION to lean into your soul's calling and step into the next evolution of you with confidence and clarity.

The Sacred Purpose Podcast transformative stories, practices and rituals to support you in connecting to your sacred purpose.

One to One Private Coaching and Leadership Team Coaching packages available. Schedule a call today to begin Clarity Call