Working with me one to one is a fully personalized, premium experience where we reignite and reimagine your life. It’s the ultimate next step in your growth process. We dive deep into your dreams, your blocks and your desires, unleash your true self so you embody your souls calling, show up fully and be more present in your life. Your world needs you and we need you to heal, to rise and to share your wisdom, passion and gifts.
If you’re ready to lean into your fullest potential, embrace your vision and bring it to life with clarity in an embodied way feeling fully supported to rise, to be empowered and inspired on your journey, then this is for you.
If you’re ready to continue the journey of letting go and releasing all that’s no longer serving you to arrive back at who you were all along, the Powerful, Magical, Beautiful, Wise, Courageous, Knowing Woman that lives within YOU. Then this is for you love.
What You Receive:
A Six or Twelve Month Agreement. We start off with a 90-minute Deep Dive private call, laying the foundation of where you are today and creating the vision you're holding for how you want your life to be and how you want to feel and the meaningful impact you desire. Once we establish that this is exactly what you need, we agree to work together over the next six to twelve months to support you in living your most satisfying, expressed life yet.
I’m here to support and guide you as you implement everything that comes up during your Deep Dive.
As you work through your blocks, I’ll help you learn how to be more vulnerable, more compassionate with yourself, handle disappointment, overwhelm and define your boundaries, ask for what you need and want for yourself and your relationships, drop old habits and patterns, discover your purpose, passion in your work, start or grow a business, reconnect to your deepest desires, heal your heart, fall in love with your body and more.
In addition to our bi-weekly sessions, you’ll have email and Voxer support from me so you stay connected to your work and continue moving forward. You'll also receive a Private VIP Integration + Embodiment Retreat day during this cycle together. More details about the retreat day are below.

Want to know more?
No problem.
You can schedule a free 20 minute exploratory call with me to see how working with me feels.
Ready to dive in?
Click the "Get Started" button below to schedule your free 20 min intro call and receive more information.
Once you choose your time, you’ll receive a confirmation notification.
I'll email you right away to connect prior to our call so we both go in feeling prepared and fully present to receive the most out of our time together.
Working with me has perks!
When you work with me 1:1 you also receive:
A free spot in my community circle
A sacred self care gift bundle
A VIP integration retreat day
and so much more..
Even if we never work together I want you to know this, you are supported, you are capable, and you are whole just as you are in this moment and you always have been.
Private VIP Integration + Embodied Leadership
Here’s what you’ll receive:
VIP Integration + Embodiment Retreat Day
Deep dive, vision planning and intention setting
Coaching, embodiment and planning session to access your sacred purpose for deeper clarity
Personalized integration rituals
Custom VIP Retreat Kit
Custom resource bundle for your daily practice
Nourishment, relaxation and more...
Live and virtual options available let't talk and see which is best for you

I'm Lisa Malia, a women's health advocate, Midwife and Feminine Wisdom Embodied Leadership Coach, Nonprofit CEO, breast cancer survivor and mother of three incredible young women. I'm so grateful to have you here, on this journey with me.
I help women on a mission to live with purpose have a more joy filled life, connected to their innate brilliance with trust, clarity and love.
Supporting women is my life's work, first as a midwife and later as a breast cancer advocate, coach and support community creator. I've witnessed how powerful women are even in, and perhaps especially in, their most vulnerable states, birthing a child or facing a cancer diagnosis. Witnessing the raw beauty and power of women in these moments is a privilege that has guided and inspired my beliefs and what I know to be true about all women.
​I believe every woman has this innate beauty and strength within her, regardless of circumstances or experiences. Whether or not a woman has physically birthed a child or faced a cancer diagnosis the wisdom and power is there. I work with women to remind them of this deep truth to guide them through all of life's transitions.
​If you'd like more information on how to work with me and we how we can start exploring what your needs are. You can learn more about me and my work and schedule a call HERE

The Investment:
Six Month or Twelve Month Programs + VIP Retreat Day
After our exploratory call we begin with a 90 minute initial call and continue with one hour, bi-weekly appointments. Pay in full or schedule automated monthly payments.
This is an investment in yourself and an agreement between us to show up for you, to be fully present to support your growth, your work, your wellbeing, healing and rising.
This is container is created to hold you, to support real value and transformation in your life.