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For everything you didn't do today...

For everything you didn’t do today, I celebrate you.

If you didn’t set an alarm clock to wake yourself up so your body could follow its natural rhythm, you are a badass and I celebrate you.

If you looked at the dishes piling up around the sink and didn't do them, you let yourself rest instead,

If you didn’t complete everything on your list of things to do, because your recognized that it was all too much anyways,

If you battle anxiety and today you stopped fighting it and let yourself feel all of it, you are a badass and I celebrate you.

If you didn’t work, read, write, or exercise but instead let yourself stop and just let this new reality sink in, you are a badass and I celebrate you.

Letting go is the bravest thing you can do right now, and letting yourself feel everything might be the toughest thing you do, but it is vital to your ability to move forward when the time comes.

I know it’s scary to imagine losing everything, I know, I’ve been there, I’ve done it, I’m in it again now, this time I am with you.

Because I’ve been here before there’s a few things I know for certain, If you seek clarity for how life will unfold from here, if you’re wondering how you will ever make it through this, if can’t imagine how your life will ever feel normal again, you need to stop and let yourself feel and grieve the losses.

Feeling it, is the bravest thing you can do right now.

From that place you get clarity on what truly matters. Let that be your guide when the time comes to inform your choices moving forward in a new way with more trust in yourself and direction for the life you want to create.

You are a badass and I celebrate you.



Hi, I'm Lisa Malia,

I work with women to guide them to their deepest truth through all of life's transitions. Supporting women is my life's work, first as a midwife and later as a breast cancer advocate, coach and support community creator. I've witnessed how powerful women are even in, and perhaps especially in, their most vulnerable states, birthing a child or facing a cancer diagnosis.

Witnessing the raw beauty and power of women in these moments is a privilege that has guided and inspired my beliefs and what I know to be true about all women.

I believe every woman has this innate beauty and strength within her, regardless of circumstances or experiences. Wether or not a woman has physically birthed a child or faced a cancer diagnosis the wisdom and power is still there. I work with women to remind them of this deep truth to guide them through all of life's transitions.

If you'd like more information on how to work with me just send me an email and we can start exploring what your needs are.


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