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How To Create A Powerful Daily Intention

woman standing in the desert in a fitted blue shiny dress  with one hand on her heart and one hand on her belly.

When you embody your unique feminine leadership style you gain more energy and clarity for the next evolution of your success. Here's six steps on how to create a powerful daily intention setting practice to gain clarity and focus to support your next steps with confidence.

Organizing your energy and attention to match your intention is key to showing up authentically to manifest the work and life you desire in alignment with your heart and soul for deeper satisfaction and joy through all uncertainty and obstacles and triumphs.

1. To create a powerful daily intention start by taking a few cleansing breaths and call forward what is most important to you right now. What do you want to get clarity on, take action on, resolve or explore today? Name the intention and write it down.

You are the ultimate alchemist for the life you want to create.

Shop The Intention Planner + Journal today, a daily ritual for feminine leadership to harness your brilliance and manifest your best days yet and support your daily practice.

More than a planner, this is a movement. Text INTENTION to (925) 592-2402 to get all the weekly inspo for staying on track and receive weekly energetic upgrades and invitations to attend the free monthly intention setting ritual on every new moon.

2. Next, choose a feminine leadership quality to connect your intention with your WHY to give your intention purpose (See The Nine Qualities of Feminine Leadership below).

3. Then, choose an emotion that you want to feel that embodies your intention and how you want to be in the energy of it.

4. With your intention clear, dive into your daily meditation, breathwork, movement and/or prayer practice for expanded awareness.

5. Journal your insights and new beliefs that will support the intention and your ability to see it through.

6. Create an affirmation to help you implement, integrate and track your energy as you navigate your next steps.


woman with long light brown wavy hair standing with both hands over her heart. The text graphic reads, evoke the feminine leadership immersion enrollment is now open.  schedule a clarity call today.

Ready for spiritually expansive, soul aligned impact and living with more unapologetic joy, satisfaction and meaning?

The journey begins soon, come gather with like minded, like hearted, purpose driven women who get it, lay it all down, do the inner work, explore the depths of the new paradigm of leadership and expand your capacity to bring your vision and work to life.

What if I told you that it could even be more expansive, more than you hoped for?

We can't expect things to change if we keep showing up in the same way.

If you feel the pull at all you belong here. Evoke, The Feminine Leadership Immersion is open. Learn More


The Intention Challenge is an ongoing group using, The Intention Planner, Daily Ritual for Feminine Leadership by Lisa Malia. You can always jump in and access the resources and connect with the women in the group here: The Intention Challenge Group. Need a copy of The Intention Planner? You can buy it here: Shop The Intention Planner

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