Expand and glow with all the vibrant energy of full moon, the journey of leadership expansion and energetic refinement, to optimize your leadership potential, a six part series to grow and embody your sacred gift and create aligned impact with confidence and clarity without sacrificing your soul for success.
As we continue our journey of leadership expansion and energetic refinement, I'm thrilled to invite you to join me for the next phase of our exploration.
Part One, we delved into the art of refining your energy and acknowledging the sacred gifts that reside within you. We explored the importance of embracing your intuition, and now we're moving into the realm of energy refinement and embracing your innate gifts. 💎
Part Two is centered around the need to release anything that does not serve your soul and how this act of refinement opens up limitless opportunities for growth and fulfillment. We also explored the idea of holding space for the next evolution of your being, understanding that it's natural to feel a mixture of emotions when letting go of aspects of ourselves that no longer align with our vision.
Looking ahead, we dive into mapping your vision, a crucial step in manifesting the experiences and results you desire. Together, we'll explore how to translate the refined energy and embraced gifts into a tangible and impactful vision that aligns with your highest aspirations and serves the collective good.
▶️ Follow the full series on YouTube or inside The Feminine Leadership Lounge.
PLUS be sure to mark your calendar for this Thursday night. We are meeting live for an integrative breathwork session to fully embody and expand the work you're doing. I'll be guiding the full experience live and I can't wait to see you there.
Expansion Breathwork Live Thursday, April 25 at 6:00 PM PT
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5430987853
Add it to your calendar: Google or iCal Format
As we continue this transformative journey, I encourage you to engage with the content on a personal level, and consider how it resonates with your own experiences and aspirations. Remember, this space is designed for open dialogue and connection. I welcome your thoughts, reflections, and questions as we walk this path together.
Also, be sure to check out the resources available below, including my latest book and the intention planner, both of which will support you in your journey of self-discovery and leadership expansion.
Thank you for being a part of this enriching community, and remember, reach out anytime. Your voice and presence are valued.
With love and expansion,
Lisa Malia
You can get your free copy of the book Leadership Expansion here:
The book is formatted to use as a download or print and take notes directly in the book!
I'm Lisa Malia, a women's health advocate, Midwife and Feminine Wisdom Embodied Leadership Coach, Nonprofit CEO, breast cancer survivor and mother of three incredible young women. I'm so grateful to have you here, on this journey with me.
I help soul-purpose driven women expand their vision, impact and energy to live a more joy filled life, connected to their innate brilliance with trust, clarity and love.
Supporting women is my life's work, first as a midwife and later as a breast cancer advocate, coach and support community creator. I've witnessed how powerful women are even in, and perhaps especially in, their most vulnerable states, birthing a child or facing a cancer diagnosis. Witnessing the raw beauty and power of women in these moments is a privilege that has guided and inspired my beliefs and what I know to be true about the power within all women.
The next evolution of my work led me to the foundation of EVOKE, The Feminine Leadership Institute and to hold my signature method Feminine Frameworks, to learn, develop and harness the energy of feminine leadership and bring more women together who want to live with greater clarity, purpose and joy through intention, ritual and mentorship as we navigate a new way forward through all the transitions of life, family and business.
If you'd like more information on how to work with me and we how we can start exploring what your needs are. You can learn more about me and my work and schedule a call HERE