No matter what you're feeling or calling in for this year I wanted to drop in and let you know how much I appreciate you being here and offer you a little extra encouragement to help you bring the vision you have, for the life you want, to life.
I know you have big dreams and and a real purpose so I've put together some simple steps to help you track your high-intent new year resolutions and make them your new reality.
1. Get to know your obstacles, challenges and blocks so you can transform them into fuel for the outcome you desire. I know it's not glamorous but this is the part most people skip over in a big rush to just chase the goal but if you don't set your self up for success and have a system to help break old patterns while you create new ones your resolutions will be short lived.
2. Create a powerful daily intention practice to gain clarity and focus to support your next steps with confidence. Start by taking a few cleansing breaths and call forward what is most important to you right now. What do you want to get clarity on, take action on, resolve or explore today? Name the intention and write it down.
3. Have a system to track and integrate your energy, be radically honest with yourself as you navigate your next steps and align to your purpose.
4. Honor and celebrate every milestone along the way. Gratitude is key to expansion and limitless possibility, be sure to notice and appreciate what is often right in front of you.
You are the ultimate alchemist for the life you want to create.
Get The Intention Planner a Daily Practice for Feminine Leadership for more:
Daily practice for everyday alignment.
Weekly energy upgrade themes to work with, for creating your intention.
Weekly planning and tracking to create the impact and outcome you desire.
Self Care.
New Moon Rituals.
Full Moon Energy Audits.
Intuitive insights and reflections.
Monthly Challenge.
Daily gratitude practice.
When you embody your unique feminine leadership style you gain more energy and clarity for the next evolution of your success.
Organizing your energy and attention to match your intention is key to showing up authentically to manifest the work and life you desire in alignment with your heart and soul for deeper satisfaction and joy through all uncertainty and obstacles and triumphs.
Please reply and let me know what you're calling in for 2024.
Here for the evolution,
​The Intention Planner that I created, is for you to tune into collective energy while also witnessing yourself and the life YOU were born for within it. It's a place to hold all your visions, dreams, reflections and manifestations, tracking your energy through the lunar phases and taking your most embodied next steps to create the life you most desire!
NEXT - Ready to dive deeper and go further? There's two ways you can work with me directly right now to really align with your intentions and elevate your energy and the work you do for the year ahead.
This is a REMEMBERING to evoke your innate gifts, power, worthiness, intuitive abilities, love, genius and capacity to impact the world around you.
For two months we’ll work together to develop practices that set you up to meet your day with confidence and clarity so that you can bring your attention into direct alignment with your purpose and intention. Step into your highest self, bring projects to life and embody your leadership with regenerative practices for a lasting legacy and your most beautiful life.
A Revolutionary, Somatic and Spiritual approach to Building, Creating and Leading your dream projects, programs and systems for the outcomes and experiences you desire.
1:1 fully integrative experience. We meet for a two days in person retreat or online.
Embody the dreams you carry and hold your power with integrity and create all that you desire. Bring everything you know about feminine rhythms into your vision and business.
Six spots are open. If you're not sure which one is best for you just reply to this email and we can talk to design the best option for you.
With love, excitement and anticipation for your next season,
Lisa Malia
May we choose the way of love again and again and again.
May we lean into the qualities of feminine leadership to guide us and inform us to lead in a new way in every arena of our lives.
THE WARRIOR: They seek to improve the quality of life for all beings. ​
THE WEAVER: They have the unique ability to see how things are interconnected. ​
THE PROTECTOR: They are highly intuitive. They protect their energy and environment and show others how to as well. ​
THE WAY-SHOWER: They lead by example and break old toxic cycles and patterns. ​
THE MIDWIFE: They create space for transformation and shine a light on the brilliance of others. ​
THE VISIONARY: They’re a natural channel to what’s possible and a gateway to the new paradigm. ​
THE CHANGE-MAKER: They help to create meaningful impact and bring new ideas to life. ​
THE CREATRIX: They show us that we can face difficult times and still experience joy.
THE SAGE: They hold the vibration of love and call upon the masses to rise up as needed.
May we restore, repair, reimage and reignite.
May we choose the way of love again and again and again.
Lisa Malia​
The Intention Challenge is ongoing, you can always jump in and access all the resources and connect with the women in the group here: The Intention Challenge Group. Need a copy of The Intention Planner? You can buy it here: Shop The Intention Planner​